Ways to Serve
Prayer and Petition with Thanksgiving

Prayer is a powerful privilege. We worship and trust a loving God who invites His children into a personal conversation where we bring our requests and needs directly to Him. Whether it is in times of crisis or ordinary circumstances, prayer draws us close to His heart.
Let us know how we can pray for you or someone you know. And, if you’d like to share how God has answered a prayer, we’ll join you in thanking Him.
Bearing Burdens Together
Prayer Email
We invite you to subscribe to our weekly prayer email so you can participate with us in praying for our church family.
Meal Train Request
We would love to serve you and others by providing meals in times of need. Request a meal train by filling out our request form.
Request a MealRequest Prayer
We would be honored to pray with you and for you! Share your praises and requests below and let us know if you prefer this to be kept among our staff or if we may share it with the church body to join with us in prayer.
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